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上海大学文化研究系 “媒体与社会”系列讲座之Prof. Dr. Rainer Winter

2019.05.21 18:14

上海大学文化研究系 “媒体与社会”系列讲座

Prof. Dr. Rainer Winter(雷纳·温特) 教授简介:

温特教授为文化研究领域国际知名学者,德国社会学学会传媒分会主席,在德国特里尔大学取得社会学与哲学博士学位(1994年),现为奥地利克拉根福大学(Alpen Adria-Universitaet Klagenfurt)传媒系主任。2012年来,担任悉尼查尔斯特大学(Charles Sturt University)兼职教授,以及中国多所大学客座教授,在文化研究方面出版德语与英语专著20余种: 如《作为权力批判的文化研究》(德语,2001)《全球化的文化后果》(英语,2003)《网络抗争》(德语,2010)《文化研究的未来》(德语2011,中译本2014),2001年开始,合作主编4套“文化研究系列丛书”,包含40多种著作。他目前的研究项目是:“马里和塞内加尔的HipHop音乐、社会危机和民主”(YouTube:“HipHop au Mali:Movement deDémocratie”),“演绎移民:人民即领土” (www.performigrations.eu)和“CROSMOS”(crosmos.aau.at)。


1)Mediatisation and the Transformation of the Self

According to the tradition of pragmatism and symbolic interactionism, the social self constitutes by social interaction. After explaining this connection, the here presented contribution analyses the consequences of audio-visual mediatisation in the last decades of the 20th century and the implications of digital mediatisation in the 21st century for the self which is put into question by these developments. It is made obvious that there happen media-induced transformations of the self. Nevertheless, it is still of great significance for initiating creative processes and the possibility of emancipation.



2)Digital Meme, Activism and the Refugee Crisis in Europe

The lecture shows the potential of digital memes for contemporary media activism. Focusing on the resonances between two competing political visions on migration regarding the current refugee debate, they look at proliferating refugee memes in the perspective of the concepts of re- and pre-mediation.



3)The Politics of HipHop in Mali

The ethnographic study analyzes the experiences and practices of HipHop musicians in Mali. It shows how the rappers articulate the perspectives of marginalized people and contribute to an enlarged public sphere. Jacques Rancière’s philosophy is used to contextualize the findings of the empirical study.


本研究运用民族志学的方法分析马里HipHop音乐家的经历和实践,并运用朗西埃(Jacques Rancière)哲学将实证研究的结果语境化,展示说唱歌手如何表达边缘化人群的观点,以及通过说唱活动拓展公共领域。



主讲人:Rainer Winter(雷纳·温特) 教授
